Privacy Policy

What Personal Information About Customers Does SIAL INDUSTRIES Gather?

Sial Industries uses the data we collect from consumers to personalize and continuously refine the shopping experience. Here are few examples of the types of information we collect.

We need the following information from you: All details you enter on our website or send us in some other way is received and stored by us. We use the details you provide to respond to your questions, personalize future shopping for you, and communicate with you.

Automatic Information: When you communicate with us, we collect and store certain types of information. For e.g., we use “cookies,” as do many other Web pages, and we collect certain types of information when your Web browser accesses our site.

E-mail Communications: To assist us in making e-mails more convenient and engaging, we frequently receive confirmation when you open e-mail from Sial Industries if your device supports those capabilities. Please change your Customer Communication Preferences if you do not wish to get e-mail or other mail from us.

What about Cookies?

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive from your Web browser to allow our systems to identify your browser and provide functionality like storing things in your Cart between visits.

Most browsers’ Help section can inform you how to block your browser from accepting new cookies, how to make the browser notify you when you get a new cookie, or how to uninstall cookies entirely. You can also disable or uninstall related data used by browser add-ons, such as Flash cookies, by modifying the add-configuration on or accessing the company’s website. However, because cookies allow you to take advantage of some of SIAL INDUSTRIES essential features, we recommend that you leave them turned on. 

Does SIAL INDUSTRIES Share the Information It Receives?

Customer information is an integral part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling it to anyone. We only exchange consumer details in the ways mentioned below.

Providers of Third-Party Services: We hire other firms and people to carry out tasks on our behalf. Fulfilling orders, shipping parcels, sending postal mail and e-mail, deleting repetitive information from client lists, reviewing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search suggestions and links (including paid listings and links), handling credit card payments, and providing customer support are several examples. They have access to personal information used to carry out their duties. but may not use it for other purposes.

Business Transfers: As we grow our company, we can sell or purchase stores, branches, or business units. Customer information is typically one of the transferred company properties in such arrangements, but it remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise).

How Secure Is Information About Me?

The Secure Sockets Layer Program (SSL) encrypts data you enter to protect your identity during transmission.

When approving an order, we only share the last five digits of your credit card numbers. Obviously, during order fulfilment, we will forward the whole credit card number to the relevant credit card firm.

You must secure your password and your device from unauthorized access. When completed using a shared device or computer, please ensure that you sign off.